Heck, there's even space in there for a couple dozen flying squirrels, should they be inclined to tag along.
We're very happy for their acquisition, and wish them many happy miles in Lulubelle, and hope that fire hydrants everywhere will stay out of your way.

I don't know what it is about Children of a Certain Age (of whom Helier and Crispina, pictured here, are) that makes bright colors that rarely appear in nature so appealing. Still, it was not so very surprising that the two youngest in our party gravitated immediately to the bluest of all blue ice creams in the freezer case. Now, as George Carlin famously pointed out, there really are no blue foods ("not even blueberries; they're really purple!"), but for Children of a Certain Age, the gaudier the color, the better it is sure to taste.

And lastly, I should note that today is the 12th birthday of Dear Daughter. Oh very dear daughter...you are and always will be the very best of my favorite things. Oh, happy, happy day that you were born.
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