Monday has been cancelled. Please feel free to go about your ordinary business. Today's weather: anticipated high of 100 degrees, with a heat index (due to high pressure and excessive humidity) of 105 or greater.
You lucky thing you! Not only did I NOT get a non-day, but it was 105degrees when I left my office (after a four hour meeting). I stopped to buy produce at a local farm on the way home, then got lost taking a different route home AND GOT A SPEEDING TICKET! Fortunately, the Norwegian and the Junior Norwegian made me a lovely dinner. I went upstairs and watched old episodes of "Northern Exposure" and sipped a glass of wine while they cooked, so the day wasn't a total loser.
What's to know? I love my daughter, my family and friends. I'm Anglican (please don't say 'Episcopalian'), I vote, I detest finding little bits of paper on the floor or in the car. The smell of warm sesame oil makes me happy. I have Sjogren's Syndrome, which is neither curable nor fatal, but is often quite a pain (in the neck and other places).
I didn't cancel the day but I did stay in bed until 11 & then the rest of the day reading on my back deck in the shade. Hope your non-day was good!
You lucky thing you! Not only did I NOT get a non-day, but it was 105degrees when I left my office (after a four hour meeting). I stopped to buy produce at a local farm on the way home, then got lost taking a different route home AND GOT A SPEEDING TICKET! Fortunately, the Norwegian and the Junior Norwegian made me a lovely dinner. I went upstairs and watched old episodes of "Northern Exposure" and sipped a glass of wine while they cooked, so the day wasn't a total loser.
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